• Chairman George Flint’s statement about the announced retirement of Congress Sam Johnson — Today, Sam Johnson, our honored Congressman, announced that he will not be seeking re-election in 2018. In his message, which I urge each of you to read, he talked about his faith and his hope in us and our country – strong […]

  • As the Presidential race heats up with sixteen Republicans and five Democrats having declared their intent to run, we will be presenting an occasional ‘fun fact’ about the office of President. In this edition, the issue is left-handedness. In the general United States population around ten percent of our citizens are left handed. Of the forty-three […]

  • Note: This article is the first of a series of educational articles that will present civic and political topics that may be of interest to our readers. This first article is the story of how one man changed the United States Constitution. Most of you I’m sure have not heard the name Gregory Watson. Therefore […]

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