With the current concerns over the pandemic, voters are wondering if it is indeed safe to vote in person in the November election. The following are the some of the steps that are being taken to ensure your safety at the polls:

  • Election personnel will be behind plastic shields, separated from the voters
  • Masks for election personnel have been strongly recommended
  • Hand sanitizer will be available
  • Markers will be on the floor every six feet to social distance
  • Machinery and equipment will be frequently disinfected throughout the day.

Finally, in order to prevent voter contact with the actual voting machines, voters will be voting with a Q-Tip. Testing showed that the Q-Tip works well with the touchscreens, and it is very cheap and disposable, Your editor tested out the Q-Tip as well and found it very easy to vote with.

The goal of the Collin County Elections Department is to offer you a clean and safe election, which can be done using the protocols outlined above.