I hope that this Christmas message finds you and your family well and full of blessing and love.
Os Guiness, a Christian writer, said “The Constitution, which is the foundational law of the land, should be supported by the faith, character and virtue of the entire citizenry…” A Free People’s Suicide, Sustainable Freedom and the American Future (InterVarsity Press 2012), pg. 99.
Faith, character, and virtue. Faith in a God we celebrate at Christmas. Character built over a lifetime of honoring that God. Moral excellence (virtue) arising from God’s standards and our constant effort to obey Him.
When people say that at Christmas they see the “best in America,” they are more than likely talking about acts of generosity and kindness, times with family and friends, and the general feeling of good will which pervades society. But what they are really seeing is the fruits of faith, character, and virtue … all of which are themselves grounded upon God’s truth and His love, incarnate at Christmas in the birth of Jesus the Christ.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Collin County!
George Flint
Collin County Republican Party