The 85th Session of the Texas Legislature put forward 7 Texas Constitutional amendments for citizens to vote on. We polled the Republican Precinct Chairs to get their recommendations for the survey. We had 50 of the 108 Republican Precinct Chairs respond. Contact us if you would like to get engaged in your community and spread the Republican message and values.
Constitutional Amendment 1
The constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the market value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead and harmonizing certain related provisions of the Texas Constitution.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 2
The constitutional amendment to establish a lower amount for expenses that can be charged to a borrower and removing certain financing expense limitations for a home equity loan, establishing certain authorized lenders to make a home equity loan, changing certain options for the refinancing for home equity loans, changing the threshold for an advance of a home equity line of credit, and allowing home equity loans on agricultural homesteads.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 3
The constitutional amendment limiting the service of certain officeholders appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate after the expiration of the person’s term of office.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 4
The constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to require a court to provide notice to the attorney general of a challenge to the constitutionality of a state statute and authorizing the Legislature to prescribe a waiting period before the court may enter a judgment holding the statute unconstitutional.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 5
The constitutional amendment on professional sports teams’ charitable foundations conducting charitable raffles.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 6
The constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.
Constitutional Amendment 7
The constitutional amendment relating to legislative authority to permit credit unions and other financial institutions to award prizes by lot to promote savings.
Results based on 50 of 108 Precinct Chairs the completed our survey.