Nov. 8 Election Results

The results are in, and the turn out was HUGE for the Collin County Republican Primary! It is voters like you that make the difference everyday with your passion, activism, and most importantly, your vote. The CollinGOP is proud of those Republicans who put their names forward to run for these positions with the ultimate goal of serving the people of Collin County. Republican leadership has made Collin County one of the best in Texas, so let’s keep it that way in November!


Total Republican voters in Collin County

Here are the Collin County 2016 Primary Election results

The top 3 vote getters are named
(i) is used for an incumbent


Ted Cruz – 39.6%

Donald Trump – 25.6%

Marco Rubio – 23.3%

U.S. Representative District 3

Sam Johnson (i) – 74.6%

John Calvin Slavens – 11.5%

Keith L. Thurgood – 8.2%

U.S. Representative District 4

John Ratcliffe (i) – 68.2%

Lou Gigliotti – 18%

Ray Hall – 13.9%

U.S. Representative District 32

Pete Sessions (i) – 60.3%

Russ Ramsland – 27.6%

Paul Brown – 8.4%

State Representative District 33 – RUNOFF

John Keating – 60.2%

Justin Holland – 22.1%

Lorne Liechty – 18.6%

State Representative District 89

Jodie Laubenberg (i) – 70.7%

Dalton Lytle – 29.3%