Many readers of this site either stayed up late Tuesday night or woke up Wednesday morning to learn that the Republican Party had won a great victory, and controlled the United State Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Presidency. This would not have been possible without the many persons who contributed time, money, and sweat to this effort.
Therefore, the Collin County Republican Party would like to thank:
The many volunteers who worked at headquarters, helping us to distribute over 2,000 yard signs, 1,000 bumper sticks, and 20,000 door hangers, and helped to man the phones during our busy season.
Our Precinct Chairs, for walking their precincts, sending out post cards at their own expense, covering adjoining precincts, and working for Republican values.
Our Elections Judges and Clerks, for helping a record turnout cast their vote. Special thanks to our Early Voting Judges and Clerks, who worked well over one hundred hours enabling our citizens to vote.
The members of our Early Voting Ballot Board, which processes and audits Early Voting machines and mail ballots, who have already put in 60-70 hours this election and will continue processing provisional votes, military generated mail and other election-related materials into next week.
Our candidates, for caring enough about this country to run for office, and who all ran successful campaigns for their respective offices
The numerous citizens who contributed to the party, placed signs in their yards, and helped promote our Republican candidates.
Finally, thank you to our record 365,000 plus voters in this county. Whether you voted for our Republican candidates or not, you made the effort to participate in your community and have your voice be heard, and that is most important.
Collin County Sees Record Turnout in 2016 Election
Collin County voters turned out in record numbers as Republican candidates won every election.
Here are some numbers from the 2016 Election:
A record 301,903 Collin County citizens cast ballots during early voting, shattering the record of 222,015 set four years ago. On Monday, October 24 th a new one-day record was set of 36,719 voters, including over 5,436 ballots cast by mail. The Early Voting turnout was 56.2% of registered voters, versus 48.4% in 2012. Ballots cast during Early Voting represented 82.5% of the total votes cast, besting the previous high of 73.6% in 2008.
Collin County was the number one county for Early Voting turnout of the top fifteen counties in population in the state, with 56.2% of registered voters in the county casting ballots. Williamson County (Round Rock and Georgetown, just north of Austin), was second with 54.2%
Through Election Night, 365,148 votes were cast in Collin County, breaking the previous record of 304,421 set in 2012. The turnout percentage of 67.6% was the highest since 2008, when 70% of the electorate voted. Statewide, we are in a virtual tie with Williamson County for the number one turnout in the top 15 counties. Statewide voter turnout was 59%.
The results as posted election night are unofficial, and will be until the official canvas is conducted later this month. In Collin County, there are still approximately 2,500 provisional votes to be processed, as well as a few hundred mail ballots that are counted if postmarked on time. Most of these paper ballots are from members of the armed forces.